

We want to have the best professionals. In order to comply with our policy of excellence, we look for the best translators and interpreters.


Necessary requirements:

  1. Be a native speaker of the target language or have an equivalent to C2 of the MECR;
  2. A university degree in the field of translation and interpreting or in the specific field of their speciality (law, economics, computer science, engineering, etc.);
  3. Several years’ professional experience in the field of translation;
  4. Preferably membership of one of the most prestigious professional associations (see: in Spain, ANETI; in the United Kingdom, The Institute of Linguists; in Argentina, the Colegio de Traductores Públicos, etc.).
  5. Preferably full-time.

If you are interested in joining the CLINTER Traducciones e Interpretaciones, SA team, please fill in this form, attach your CV, and we will contact you.

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      Our Quality Certifications

    AZUL ISO 17100-modelo2-1
    serv trad

      The Associations we belong to
