Professional CV translation- 1 page for €25

The CV is a necessary professional document that generates a high impact, with a high chance of success in the job market.

Your translation is best entrusted to professionals with specific skills and experience in writing and adapting the content from the source language into the target language.

Writing a good CV is neither an easy nor a quick process, but quite the contrary, because your CV will be the main tool to show for your professional life.



When is a professional translation of a CV required?

Whether you have just left university, are planning to change jobs or are looking for a new job due to redundancy, you will need a good CV and now, more than ever, a translation of your CV into English.

Firms today are looking for at least bilingual candidates who can thrive in a multicultural environment, and one of the first opportunities to demonstrate your language skills is through your CV.

It is very important to tailor the information to highlight your skills, attitudes and experience best suited to the position you are applying for.

You should bear in mind that the job search is a competition  and so your CV should be well written and up-to-date so that it stands out from other candidates applying for the same job.

We advise you to have your CV professionally translated by an expert translator who is a native speaker of the target language and understands the culture of the country. In addition, they should have specific skills in terms of the terminology used in the sector to which you are applying and sufficient experience to adapt the translation to the format of the original CV.







How much does a professional translation of a CV cost and how long does it take?

A professional translation of a CV is normally quick, so from the date of confirmation it takes approximately 2-3 working days. We also deliver nationally and internationally, so you will be able to receive the document at your own address, applying the corresponding fee according to the destination requested.

At Clinter we have a special promotion for this type of document, provided that they are approximately 400 words long:

  • Professional translation of a CV into English for only €25
  • Professional translation of a CV into French for only €25
  • Professional translation of a CV into Italian for only €35



How can I order a professional CV translation?

Simplysend us your scanned CV by email to or via the Quotation Form on our website. It’s easy and quick!

Our management team will receive your request and will get back to you as soon as possible. Once the quote is agreed we will get to work and have your professional translation as soon as possible.

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